General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Brighton Hertford Returns, Big Comeback!

Hey, soap opera buddies! Join us on a groovy ride through time with Brighton Hertford, the mega-talent who rocked General Hospital back in the day as B.J. Jones. Now she’s all into tech and Utah life, but guess what? She recently made a surprise comeback to GH! We’re going to spill all the deets, from her cute childhood memories on set to unexpected twists in her grown-up life. So buckle up for a fun adventure as we explore Brighton’s journey, bringing a touch of then and now to the soap opera magic we all love!

Then and Now: Hertford in 1989 and Today

Back in the late ’80s, Brighton Hertford was a kid superstar as B.J. Jones on General Hospital. Now, she’s all into tech stuff and lives in Utah. But guess what? She recently came back to GH to honor her on-screen mom, Bobbie. Hertford remembers the good old days on the GH set. She spills the beans on hanging out with co-stars like Lynn Herring and Kristina Wagner. Plus, she shares some funny stories from her time as a little actor.

General Hospital
GH/Brighton Hertford

Brad Maule, who played her on-screen dad (ex-Tony) in General Hospital, was a big deal in Hertford’s life. We’ll dig into their bond on and off the set and see how he made a real impact on her. After leaving the soap opera world, Hertford kept acting in TV shows like DAWSON’S CREEK and NYPD BLUE and even in a movie called The Parent Trap. Later, she switched gears to tech stuff in Utah. It’s a whole different world from the glitz of showbiz.

General HospitalThe Unexpected Return

Guess what happened? General Hospital reached out to Hertford to come back! We’ll hear about the surprise call from Mark Teschner, GH’s casting director, and how it caught her off guard. Going back to General Hospital after almost 30 years brought out all sorts of feelings for Hertford. We’ll dive into how she felt, especially when paying tribute to Jackie Zeman (ex-Bobbie), who passed away.

GH/Brighton Hertford with old co-star, Lynn Herring

Moreover, Hertford spills the beans on catching up with old co-stars like Lynn Herring and the behind-the-scenes crew. It’s like a reunion after ages! Find out what went down during filming, including Hertford’s chats with Maurice Benard (Sonny) and the inside scoop from casting director Mark Teschner and Associate Casting Director Lisa Booth.

Acting Across Generations

Hertford shares how it felt to act with idols from her childhood. We’ll get a glimpse into her talks about bagels and doughnuts turning into deep conversations about life and stuff. A surprising detail: the General Hospital set still smells the same! Imagine the nostalgia that hit Hertford when she walked back in! We’ll wrap things up by delving into Hertford’s emotions. She gets real about the mix of feelings and the gratitude she feels for being part of the General Hospital family.

GH/Brighton Hertford

Furthermore, Hertford wants fans to know how much it means to her. She’s super grateful for the love and support from the GH community. In the end, Brighton Hertford’s journey from child actor to tech pro and her unexpected return to General Hospital are like a cool storybook. It shows how soap operas can stick with you through life, creating memories that stay with both the actors and fans. So, let’s enjoy this trip through Hertford’s story and celebrate the magic that soap operas bring to our lives!


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