General Hospital

Perkie’s Observations: Ava Believes Nikolas Is Framing Her for Austin’s Murder on General Hospital

On today’s  recap: Molly and Kristina tell Alexis about the surrogacy plan and hope she is happy with their decision. Alexis agrees bringing a new baby into the family is a wonderful thing but worries things could get complicated. She ultimately gives her blessing.

When Molly leaves, Alexis questions Kristina’s decision which angers her. Kristina claims she knows what she’s in for, but Alexis disagrees, saying she’s never brought a child into the world. Kristina says she believes in what she’s doing and admits it’s a little scary but feels it’s the right thing to do. Alexis agrees to step up and support her.

Ava moves out of Wyndemere and back into her apartment. She finds another letter that reads “don’t tell anyone” with another photo of dead Austin. Nina pops by to check on her and sees how rattled Ava is. Ava shows her the letter and photo and says she found it in her bag.

Ava says there were tons of movers in and out all day and any one of them could have left it. Nina tells her to go to the police, but Ava says she has no alibi for when she died. Nina blames Cyrus but Ava says she doesn’t believe he was responsible for it. Ava believes it’s Nikolas.


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